The sun also rises ernest hemingway themes
The sun also rises ernest hemingway themes

the sun also rises ernest hemingway themes

Bill Gorton picked up an American girl at the fiesta, but nothing serious came out of it. Mike, Brett's fiancee, was too drunk and maybe too insecure to love. Robert could not stand to see Brett with another man (Barron s Booknotes) even though they were not together he was jealous. He believed that their affair was a perfect love. What does their romance mean? For Brett, nothing for Robert, everything. Since Brett may have been curious or just bored, she decided to go off with him to San Sebastian, Spain. Robert was im mediately attracted to her. Robert was too blind to realize that his kind of love was lost on Jake's crowd of friends, especially Brett. Robert had old-fashioned notions of love- he believed in commitment. For example the book that Robert Cohn read, The Purple Land, which was about an aging Englishman finding love in a romantic country seriously affected him. Love for Robert Cohn is a silly and naive love learned from storybook romances. Although the feelings between Brett and Pedro may have been mutual, Brett did the right thing by giving him up whatever Brett wanted, Jake was willing to give her because he wanted her to be happy. He loved Brett more than anything and he wanted her to be happy, so he set her up with Robert Cohn, which did not work out, and he also set her up with Pedro Romero. A different way Jake showed love for Brett was, in my opinion, in a rather strange way. Jake was tolerant of Brett s behavior be cause he loved her unconditionally and was willing to overlook everything she did. Love, for Brett, had become a power she con trolled. Brett herself told Jake not to love her because she would only deceive him. Jake was able to feel love, but he could not express it or consummate it. Whenever Jake was about to go to bed, and his thoughts loosened, he thought about his wound and Brett. He was always thinking about it, even when he did not seem to be. Neither Jake nor Brett were able to find any satisfaction or completeness in love. They both desperately want something that they could not have due to Jake s injury. They could not show each other how much they truly loved one another. Jake and Brett could not love each other physically. The torture of his wound, though, is that he can still feel desire. Jake s wound made him impotent, incapable of making love. The only reason Jake and Brett were not together was due to a wound Jake received during the war. The only problem was that Brett had no feelings for any of those men, except for Jake. All of these men had strong feelings for Brett. Brett was not happy with her life or her surroundings and sought escape and refuge in the arms of these men. Brett was ex tremely vulnerable to the charm that various men in her life seemed to smother her with. For example Robert Cohn, Bill Gorton, Pedro Romero, Mike Campbell, and last but not least Jake Barnes. Lady Brett Ashley was a beautiful woman who seemed to be irresistible to the men she became acquainted with. One theme that I found recurring throughout the novel, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, was love.

The sun also rises ernest hemingway themes